A New Drug That Will Boost Your Self-Confidence!

The responsible genes

I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were talking about how scientists have found genes that link to obesity, more like the researchers scanned the genes of 284 people and found four genes that are responsible in determining metabolic rates, the speed at which people burn up food.

Based  on scientific evidence

Based on this, scientists will target the responsible genes in people suffering from obesity and come up with a drug that can control the metabolic rate and these people can eat as much as they want and won’t gain any weight. Much like the skinny people most of us know who can eat all they want and never gain any weight.  Based on that, since we are moving to a new era where almost anything can be taken in the form a pill, a pill to boost your brain power, a pill to win at the Olympics, why not a pill to boost your self-confidence?

Are you lacking self-confidence?

If you lack self-confidence now and want to be famous, you can contact Dr. Phil and asked to be on the show. You may eventually have the opportunity to meet with the guru himself who would give you some strategy on how to get rid of your lack of self-confidence and be more assertive in life.

You will be on Dr. Phil’s show

Dr. Phil will most likely follow through with your progress and may eventually invite you back on the show  to talk about your experience on the lack of self-confidence and how you overcame it. At that point, you will be an household name and you can go write your own book on self-confidence and you may just have a best seller on the subject. No self-confidence pill will give you that kind of publicity and after being on TV with Dr. Phil your self-confidence will shoot up like a rocket and you may even think of running for governor of your state.

What will they think of next?

I am sure that as I write this article, some clever marketer is already busy looking for ways to market a drug that supposedly will boost your self-confidence. Hold on a second! I heard the other day that some people are experimenting on the drug they give to kids suffering from ADD and people not suffering from ADD can take that drug and it presumably boost their brain power.

How to be a genius in school

They were even talking about university students who were willing to try it in order to have better grades. If you can boost your brain power for school, who is not to say  you can’t do the same about your self-confidence! You may hear something like, after seven years of research where researchers have searched the world in the quest of the best and natural ingredients that will stimulate the center of the brain where you store self-confidence, personality, charisma, irresistible charms to the opposite sex and more, we now present to you “confidia”, the self-confidence booster. Much like when they came out with pheromone to attract the opposite sex. I am sure these marketers already have signs of dollar bill in their eyes  at the thought of a potential billion dollar industry in the name of boosting your self-confidence.

How to boost your self-confidence naturally

Without going to Dr. Phil’s show or waiting for the self-confidence drug to come out, here are a few ways to boost your self-confidence naturally.

1. Dress like a million bucks and you will feel like a million bucks. Dressing nice will have a direct impact on your self-confidence. If you look good, you feel good and you’ll get noticed.

2. Challenge yourself every day into doing something that you have been willing to do but were afraid to. If you wanted to ask that cute girl out for coffee then go ahead and do it! If you lack courage today, try again tomorrow! Eventually you will have enough self-confidence to do it.

3. Walk fast and maintain a good posture. People who walk fast are busy people with lots to do and the self-confidence to do them. By maintaining good posture you’ll project self-assurance that people will recognize and they’ll have a good attitude towards you.

4. Speak your mind. When you are  with colleagues or in a public gathering, don’t be afraid to speak up!  By doing so you will have more confidence in yourself and become a better public speaker.

5. Be a front row sitter. When you go to school, church or any public forum, sit in the front row! That will bring attention to yourself and that way you’ll develop more self-confidence and self-assurance.